Tuesday, May 19, 2009


All the artwork on this blog is the property and creation of Toni Rakestraw. If you would like to ask a question about any of them or find out about a commission, please email me at toni @ organic-birth.com.

I find great peace and enjoyment in creating my art. I hope you enjoy it as well.


  1. Dear Toni,

    I have stumbled onto your blog and have had the pleasure of perusing your beautiful birth and pregnancy art. Many thanks for having it
    available for everyone to view! I am a birth doula in Charlottesville, Virginia and I'm in the process of building a more formal practice and I'm wondering whether you might be willing to allow me to use some of your artwork on my website and my business card. I will of course put your name with it wherever it goes and I'm happy to do additional advertising for you as well, I could include your website or an email address or whatever you'd like! I completely
    understand if this is beyond the scope of what you envisioned for your art, but I just had to ask because it spoke to me so much and really gave me vision for my own work. So regardless of where this goes,many thanks for that! Looking forward to hearing from you.


  2. Woops, forgot to mention, to contact me, email meb2z @ virginia.edu. Thanks!

  3. I just emailed you, Megan. :) Sorry for the delay.
